Constructed (Planned) Languages

Constructed (Planned) Languages

What is language? Is it only a string of words connected in different ways? Or is it much more than that? Regardless of how you define languages, there is no denying that people like to create and construct languages. Language is fundamental to being human, and there is no surprise that people have been constructing languages for a long time. There are many reasons throughout history why people have been constructing languages.

Constructed Languages, Conlangs

People invent languages for fun or to flesh out imaginary worlds in the modern world. Usually, people will call them constructed languages or conlangs for short. Some of the most common conlangs of modern times come from fictional narratives. One of the most famous constructed languages in the world of fiction is Klingon for the Star Trek Universe.

Not all constructed languages derive from fictional stories. Some aim to make communication between people easier and better. They also help unite people and make it a better place. This was the case with Esperanto, a language in the late 19th century. L. L. Zamenhof created it. He dreamed of a language that would transcend borders, help everyone get along, and make the work climate peaceful in Europe.

Zamenhof based Esperanto around some of the languages that were around him. He borrowed some sounds from the Slavic languages and added some vocabulary from languages such as Spanish and French. He also constructed straightforward grammar so many people could use and understand it.

Today, hundreds of people use Esperanto as an auxiliary language. This means that they use it to complement their native language. There are about 1,000 native speakers of Esperanto around the world.

Some constructed languages stem from combining multiple different languages into one. Interslavic is an example, which was a project to bridge the different Slavic language speakers so they could communicate easily. Similarly, there is a constructed language known as the interlingua.

Interlingua – Combination of Romance Languages

Interlingua, like Esperanto, is an artificially created language that facilitates communication between people of different races, ethnicities, and cultures. Overall, the idea behind Interlingua is to have a neutral language with features that coincide with multiple romance languages.

Esperanto – International Language

Esperanto is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world. Like all constructed languages, this language is a product of artificial creation rather than natural evolution through time and usage. A common language like Esperanto was supposed to transcend national rivalries. One of the best things about Esperanto is that it is one of the easiest languages to learn.

Final Words

As you can see, people tend to create artificial or constructed languages for many different purposes. However, without the help of a professional, skilled linguist, one cannot construct a language that is proper diction, grammar, and meanings. If you want translation and interpretation services regarding any constructed language, contact us at Green Translations. Our expert linguist team has prowess in more than 150 languages, including constructed ones.

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