Why Are There Water Restrictions in California?

Why Are There Water Restrictions in California?

The state of California has recently announced strict water conservation measures. If you are a resident of California or are generally curious about why there are water restrictions in California, this post will give you valuable insight into the issue.

What Led to Water Restrictions in California?

Metropolitan Water District, located in Southern California, provides water to somewhere around 19 million people. The water comes from various sources, including the California State Water project, the Colorado River, and Lake Powell and Lake Mead reservoirs.

The Current Scenario

The California State Water Project currently delivers only 5% percent of the water supply. An acre-foot of water equals 326,000 gallons, and the authorities were expecting to get a million acre-feet this year. However, they are only getting 100,000 acre-feet.

The other source, i.e., the Colorado River, has been a reliable primary source of California to get enough water thanks to the more reliable rains in the Colorado region. However, the river itself is not in danger.

Furthermore, the two river reservoirs, i.e., Lake Powell and Lake Mead, can hold 50 million acre-feet of water. In 2000, both reservoirs were completely full, but now they are about a third full, disrupting the water supply to California.

The last 15 years have been the driest in California’s recorded history, and this seems like a permanent problem. Therefore, the problem requires dramatic measures such as water restrictions.

Future Roadmap

While the state of CA struggles with water supply, here are some ways to deal with this problem.

Controlled Water Usage

As the water levels continue to drop, Californians will have to make some serious behavioral changes. It is time to give up watering your front lawn or backyard. Simply water your trees, and that is all.

The people of California have already reduced their water usage in the last 25 years. However, there is still a lot more that needs to be done. According to a report, California must cut its water use by 35% by setting a new limit of 80 gallons per day for one person.

Investment for Storage Infrastructure

The whole reason for low water levels is lack of rain. However, it is safe to say that there will be years before California experiences heavy rains. When that happens, having a space to capture and store rainwater will prove valuable.

Therefore, the government needs to find the right investment to build such infrastructure. The solution is to start looking into several drought-proof water supply solutions, such as water recycling and desalination plants.


Climate change and global warming have definitely affected the weather across the globe. That is why California has experienced the driest spells in its recorded history during the last decade. With fewer rains and limited water supply for its sources, the state braces itself for drought-like conditions.

This calls for a behavioral change in how people use water on a daily basis. Therefore, the government of California has enforced the water constraint measures to preserve drinkable water for years to come.

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